Extensive research shows that movement, music, and rhythm, can be powerful for many aspects of child development and function.
Music, movement, and rhythm can be a fun, motivationg and highly beneficial for helping kids with learning. Rhythmic Movement was created to give kids a very easy-to-follow program they can do at home or school prior to working. It provides a scaffolded and graded approach for students of all ages and grades. The sequential videos incorporate many important principles of brain-based learning and motor planning.
Start by selecting a group of videos with a lower movement and sound level. Help your kids the first few times, until they can continue doing the program with less help. It only takes a few minutes to go through a set of videos. It's best to do this as a pre-learning activity. Watch and collect data to see if your kids work with better focus and attention after going through a section of videos.
Once your kids become more familiar and skilled, they can move to a set of videos with a higher movement and/or sound level.
We would greatly appreciate your feedback, which will help with further development of the program.
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